And Here We Are AGAIN :(

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Training Session #4, #5 & #6 - Under the Big Top

May 20th, 27th and 29th - I'm writing these first posts nearly a month after these sessions so remembering back exactly what we worked on and how I was feeling was kind of a blur. Looking at the list of things we did, there were a few that felt like I was auditioning for the circus:

Ball squats using a ball behind us in a seated position. Not too bad until Steve pushed my toes up and made me hold the position for what seemed like forever! And the last set, throwing a weighted ball back and forth while holding. Ouch! A few days after, I sneezed really hard and my hand immediately went to my abs in pain!

A chest press that came from the high wire. Using two cables that extended about a foot taller than me, pulled out and balanced on in a push up position - and then doing pushups! I guess I wasn't the only one who thought this was hard when my mom asked if my face was supposed to be turning purple.
And another NOT favorite: step ups on a bench about 18 inches high. You know, step up with one foot, bring up the other and raise the knee, step down and step back with the other foot, over and over and over and over...

Ok, good two more days under my belt and I've been able to do most everything Steve has thrown my way. Then Steve announces next Monday is measurement day. Oh for the love, already?!

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