And Here We Are AGAIN :(

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Training Session #7 - Facing the Measurements

June 1, 2009 - OK, anxiety was up again. I could definitely feel my clothes starting to get loose and of course, have my own scale saying I was down. But I had a few setbacks. My husband, mom and I take turns making dinner and my husband got pizza one night. I was soooo MAD! That's like putting booze in front of an alcoholic! I ate the food on my plan that evening while watching them dig in. It was agonizing!! The next day, I wasn't able to resist the leftovers. I only ate 2 pieces but was kicking myself after.

NOTE TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY: Please, please, please, if you care even a little about me, please don't tempt me! Of course, I would wish that there was only healthy food available at family gatherings, get togethers with friends or eating out and never have the temptation. An unrealistic wish, I know, and I won't tell you how to eat. My will power is growing but there are those times when I feel like throwing it all out the window. The less it's available, the better. I don't have cravings anymore but if I see someone eating something I used to love, it just about kills me! Like pizza (fat), chinese food (sodium), and ice cream (sugar). I don't keep any of it in the house (except Scott's stash which as long as I don't know it's there, it's not a problem!) Anyway, please help me stay on track!

But regardless of my moment of weakness, these were some good numbers!

The measurements:
Caliper Bi - 19.9
Caliper Tri - 27.4
Caliper Sub - 30.6
Caliper Iliac - 25.4
Body Fat % - 37.7
Neck - 13.25
Chest - 45.25
Upper Arm - 13
Forearm - 10.25
Waist - 38.7
Hip - 48.5
Thigh - 24.7
Calf - 15.7
Weight - 216

Biggest accomplishment: Well they were all down a lot but almost 2 inches off my chest and 1 1/2 inches off my hips - woo hoo! Overall, I was down about 5 inches in about 3 weeks.

As far as the workouts, I really am enjoying them. Steve is excellent at mixing up what we do so it never gets boring or monotonous. Challenging.....?! Absolutely!! And he's starting me into circuits.

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