I don't even know where to take this one. I do know I better be more careful in challenging Steve before I'm turned into road kill. Although, I may have conquered this one if only...
My quads did get sore yesterday and that evening after I swam laps for about 40 minutes, I had a special bonding time with Mr. Bengay before I went to bed. But when I woke up this morning (after a very restless night, can't really pinpoint why), I can't even explain the pain I felt when I walked up the stairs and throughout the day. It really took me by surprise as Monday was definitely hard but I didn't think I would be feeling it this bad. Although, I only had soreness in my quads so I was feeling more confident about that. And I was stretching them a lot before we met up with Steve.
So today: little sleep, didn't get much food in as I was too tired, a highly motivated trainer ready to deliver "Bring It" II, sore qauds = me, shot down off my high horse and not so confident anymore. I wasn't going to tell Steve about my quads as I thought for sure I would be able to tackle another hard workout since it was only my upper legs that were hurting and surely he wouldn't hit that same area again twice in one week? What did he start out with? Um, yeah....leg extensions. (I tell ya, you can't keep anything from this guy!!!) I think that got me beat down from the start. We worked mostly upper body and shoulders and I struggled terribly through the last sets. I didn't realize that those muscles were actually a bit fatigued from Monday but might have been a combination of that and no energy from a lack of sleep or food. And I'm pretty sure Steve took out several things on the list as I was struggling - which is frustrating because again, he knows I could have done them. Steve asked if I didn't like feeling this sore and I didn't know how to answer. Yes, I want to feel like I'm working hard (want to look like it even more) and I like a good challenge but after having shin splints, I was worried that we would have to back off again to get my quads to recoup. The good news is that the shin splints was an injury that needed to heal but the quad soreness is just a side effect which should dissapate more quickly. Sounds promising to me!
Despite today, this is still the pace I'm up for. (I'll be curious to see where I'll be sore in the next few days). It is my nature to take this setback and use that as a measurement of all the time and work I've put in. I'm sure before when I allowed negative feelings to creep in and doubt my abilities, just that mindset took its toll by slowing my weight loss and measurements. But knowing is half the battle, right?! I know I was tired and didn't have the energy. And that's now all water under the bridge. (ha, said prior to more days of ice and bengay!) And it's not killing me which means I must be getting stronger! Gearing up for "Bring It" III !!
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